Risk Disclosures


Digital currencies and blockchain assets represent a speculative investment and involve a high degree of risk. As relatively new products and technologies, digital currencies and blockchain assets have not been widely adopted as a means of payment for goods and services by major retail and commercial outlets. Conversely, a significant portion of the demand for digital currencies and blockchain assets is generated by speculators and investors seeking to profit from the short or long-term holding of digital currencies and blockchain assets. The relative lack of acceptance of digital currencies and blockchain assets in the retail and commercial marketplace limits the ability of end-users to pay for goods and services with digital currencies and blockchain assets. A lack of expansion by digital currencies and blockchain assets into retail and commercial markets, or a contraction of such use, may result in increased volatility.


Nothing on the Stacked website should be considered investment or financial advice. Arwena Limited   is not an investment fund, or registered broker dealer. You are solely responsible for all actions taken on the platform, any investments made, and sole bearer of profits and loss.



Arwena Limited   does NOT maintain custody of your digital assets or currencies on or within the exchanges you use. We may not support every exchange or wallet you hold assets on. Such exchanges and wallets have developed security systems to maintain confidential access to the private keys that have been generated and which control movement of the currencies. FeasibleXs is not be able to obtain control of the private keys generated by the exchanges utilized by you. Arwena Limited  employs a comprehensive due diligence process to select exchanges and wallets that it determines have developed sophisticated security systems and will continue to reevaluate the due diligence process and the security systems of the various exchanges and wallets. However, the systems and methodologies of the exchanges and wallets utilized by FeasibleXs may be subject to exposure from hacking, malware and general security threats. Arwena Limited  or it's managing members are not liable for the failure or penetration of the security system absent gross negligence, fraud or criminal behavior.


Digital currencies and Digital Assets can be illiquid. Exchanging cryptocurrencies and blockchain assets for a specific fiat currency may be impossible at any given moment.

Illiquidity may be caused:

Government regulation;

Pre-ICO restrictions;

Lockup periods; or

Limited market for the exchange for cryptocurrencies.

Because of the illiquidity of certain positions you may hold, the liquidation values of those positions may differ significantly from the interim valuations of such investments executed by our software.


It may be illegal, now or in the future, to own, hold, sell or use digital currencies or blockchain in one or more countries, including the United States. Although currently digital currencies and blockchain assets are lightly regulated in most countries, including the United States, one or more countries may take regulatory actions in the future that severely restricts the right to acquire, own, hold, sell or use digital currencies or blockchain assets or to exchange blockchain assets or digital currencies for fiat currency. Such an action may restrict your ability to hold or trade digital currencies and blockchain assets and could result in termination of your account at a time that is disadvantageous to you or may adversely affect an investment you hold.

2023, Feasibl OU